pubic symphysis

  • 耻骨联合
pubic symphysispubic symphysis
  1. The Investigation for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pubic Symphysis Separation after Labor


  2. Estimation of age from the pubic symphysis of Chinese male by means of multiple analysis


  3. Objective To study the effects of reconstruction plate internal fixation for pubic symphysis separation .


  4. A study on the morphological character of rat pubic symphysis cartilage cells cultured in vitro


  5. To observe biological characteristics including growth and phenotype of rat pubic symphysis chondrocytes cultured in vitro .


  6. Objective To evaluate the effect of bilateral orchidectomy using transverse incision in front of pubic symphysis .


  7. Scanning range : from diaphragmatic dome to the lower edge of pubic symphysis . 5 .


  8. Methods 19 cases with pubic symphysis separation were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with reconstruction plate to reconstruct the pelvic integrity and stability .


  9. Methods : The half pelvic fracture and dislocation , fracture and separation of pubic symphysis and hip bone fracture and dislocation were treated with three different methods .


  10. The longitudinal muscular fibres of the rhabdosphincter of urethra and the prostatic venous plexus were located behind the pubic symphysis .


  11. Methods : 11 cases with ureter stone received unenhanced helical CT scanning from the top of the kidneys to pubic symphysis during a single breath hold , and CPR was performed after scanning .


  12. About 169 micro-fractures , 1 post dislocation of hip joint , 5 mild dislocations of sacroiliac joint and 3 mild separation of pubic symphysis were mis-diagnosed by X-ray .


  13. Results The CT scans and IVP of eight cases with bladder RMS showed the polypoid filling defects in the bladder ; the distance between the neck of bladder and pubic symphysis was enlargement .


  14. Methods Arch skin incision above pubic symphysis or ilioinguinal approach were used in pubic symphysis separation or pubic branch fracture , and these fractures or dislocations were fixed with reconstruction plates or screws .


  15. Result : When acetabular former wall loaded by X direction and Z direction composition forces , the stress transmitted by four directions : ① from acetabular former wall to pubic symphysis along superior branch of pubis firstly .


  16. Methods We treated 11 cases of fractures of symphysiolysis / superior and inferior ramus of pubis and sacrum with pubic symphysis double plate + sacrum rods , and analyzed the clinical results of the operation .


  17. A 5-mm 30 ° laparoscope was introduced through the umbilicus . The internal ring and the posterior crus ( PC ) on the side of hernia were identified . A 3-mm dissection forceps was placed on the midline between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis .


  18. RESULTS : The line between the two lowest edges of the pubic tubercle corresponded to the middle point of the front-back span of the prostate , and the inferior margin of pubic symphysis to the back part of the membranous urethra .
